How to extract information from xml using node.js
There are plenty of methods available to extract information from an XML file and I have used the XPath select method to fetch the tag values.
The following modules have to install using the NPM install Method.
var fs= require('fs'),
xml2js = require('xml2js');
const parser = new xml2js.Parser();
const xpath = require('xpath'),
dom = require('xmldom').DOMParser;
sample XML file name as test.xml.
The above modules will drive the process to fetch the information.
//To read the file by using the readFile method which may be sync or async function
fs.readFile('test.xml',function(err , data){
//display error
// do whatever you want
//To Convert reading output(above output) into string values(parsing the XML)
var doc = new dom().parseFromString(data.toString(), 'text/xml');
// Add namespace URL
var select = xpath.useNamespaces({ url});
// To fetch information by using tag names
var tagOutput = select('//TagName/text()', doc)[0].nodeValue;
for example
The groceryName variable is storing the value of the name from the XML file. Likewise, you have to read and fetch the information from the file.
var groceryName = select('//name/text()', doc)[0].nodeValue;